No, I don’t just coach Tech Founders & Entrepreneurs in London!

I love meeting people face-to-face, and I’m all about connecting online too. What matters most is that connection – that’s where the real magic happens.

Back in 2019 when I started coaching, I was excited to work with anyone who needed my help. Things were simpler then, and I didn’t worry too much about focusing on a specific type of client.

As time went by, though, I noticed something interesting: most of my clients were people like you – entrepreneurs, founders, and big thinkers who love to shake things up.

It makes sense. I’ve been in the business of starting companies and building software and have a knack for thinking outside the box. I guess it runs in the family – my grandad on my dad’s side was an entrepreneur as well as many people on my mum’s side of the family. I started my journey in a small city in southern Italy, then moved to Florence, then London, Madrid, Lisbon etc.

But here’s the thing: I don’t only work with tech startup founders. My background is in business management & IT, so I get tech, but my coaching is for anyone ready to make big changes. My clients are doers – they want to act now, not years down the line. They’re people ready to challenge themselves, shake off old habits, and go for what they want.

I love meeting people face-to-face, and I’m all about connecting online too. What matters most is that connection – that’s where the real magic happens.

So, if you’re in the tech world or just someone who’s driven to make a real difference in your work or life, let’s chat. It doesn’t matter where you are; if you’re ready to take action, I’m here to help you set and reach your goals.